Happy People Happy Planet
Happy People Happy Planet
0003 Alchemy
Description from Be Tao Now - I Ching Drumming #50 Alchemy Fire over Wind
What is the Alchemist’s secret? It is the capacity to change a base metal into gold. Become your own alchemist and turn a questionable experience into a gift. You can take that energy that was once difficult and turn it into something beautiful and useful. Fire is the love that changes all. Wind brings in new energy. Look for a fresh perspective on an old issue.
The ability to turn difficulty into something good makes you golden.You add hope and harmony to the collective just by being you.
Alchemy of consciousness. Awareness. The more we know ourselves, the more we can be the chemistry we really want to.
Consciousness has alchemical powers.
Contact Info:
Casey Brown at Thrive With Casey
Elisheva Herrera at Happy People Happy Planet
Thrive with Casey Brown's website.
(520) 329-7574
Elisheva's Website. Happy People Happy Planet